Об истории написания Eleanor Rigby
Нашел интереснейшее видео, в котором Пол рассказывает об истории написания многих песен, причем рассказывает то, чего я даже не знал))
Особенно интересна история одной из моих самых любимых песен ever )
Paul McCartney Breaks Down His Most Iconic Songs | GQ
When I was really little I lived on what we call a housing estate which is like the project. There were the lot of old ladies and I enjoyed sitting around with these old ladies cause they had these great stories, in this case about World War II, and one in particular who I used to kind of just visit and I kind of go shopping for her, you know, she couldn’t get out.
Anyway, so I remember her, so I had that figure in my mind of a sort of lonely old lady. And over the years I’d met a couple of others, and I don’t know maybe the loneliness made me sort of empathize with them. I thought it was a great character.
So I started this song about lonely old lady who picks up the rice in the church, who never really gets the dreams in her life. Then I added the priest, the vicar, Father McKenzie, so there was just the two characters, you know. So it was nice, it was like writing the short story, and it was based basically on these old ladies that I had known as a kid.
For Father McKenzie in a song I originally had Father McCartney, but when I came to finish it up with John I brought it to John and we were playing it around, and I said: «I don’t want to call it Father McCartney cause it’s my dad. It’s just a bit confusing». And he said: «No, it’s fine». And I said: «I don’t like it». So he said: «Okay, let’s change it».
So we got the phone book, and we just run down to sort of McCartney and looked for something Mc-something, and the next one was like McKenzie. And we said: «That’s better». So it became Father McKenzie.
Sometimes I do that, you know, just to block it out. So you don’t spend forever trying to figure out the exact lyric, you just go «ba-da-da-da-ta». So it could be «Barbara Hawkins» or «Miss Daisy…», you just leave it like that. And then you go: «I don’t really like it», so I was looking around for another name.
This is a kind of strange story about that, because I like the name Eleanor, we’ve been working with an actress called Eleanor Bron in the Beatles film «Help!», so I liked the name Eleanor, I was looking for this «Eleanor-pa-pa» to make the rhythm. So I’m looking for this nice surname, and I happened to be in Bristol, and I saw a shop that said «Rigby», so I thought: «Oh, great! Ele-a-nor Rig-by». Now I had the name of my main character. But then years later somebody else is researching this, and they said: «You know, in that village where John used to live there’s a graveyard, and there’s gravestone there too, and it says: ‘Eleanor Rigby'». Did I subconsciously know that name? Why then would I go around searching for it? I don’t know. I think it’s maybe a coincidence, but there is a gravestone in Liverpool in place called Walton where me and John met to say «Eleanor Rigby». So who knows…
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