Эрнст Теодор Амадей Гофман «Ночные этюды»
После блистательного романа никак нельзя было останавливаться, и я с некоторым трудом, но все же одолел хрестоматийный сборник рассказов Гофмана.
В этой книге — примерно десяток историй, которые отличаются заметным жанровым разнообразием. Открывающий сборник «Песочный человек» — самый жуткий и, пожалуй, самый известный рассказ маэстро — производит невероятное впечатление. Все остальное — заметно слабее или (видимо, за счет обширных исторических вставок) просто не вполне в моем вкусе.
Как прекрасно и как точно :)))
(Да, это тоже нейросеть)
Write a short story about Hercule Poirot in the style of Leo Tolstoy
Hercule Poirot was a man of great intellect and refinement, but despite his many successes as a detective, he often found himself questioning the purpose of his work. He wondered if solving crimes and catching criminals truly made a difference in the world.
One day, as Poirot was walking through the streets of London, he came upon a beggar on the side of the road. The beggar was dirty and disheveled, his clothes torn and ragged.
Poirot stopped to speak with the beggar, and as they talked, he realized that the man was not a criminal, but simply a victim of circumstance. He had been born into poverty and had never been given a fair chance in life.
Poirot’s heart was touched by the man’s plight, and he began to wonder if there was more to life than just solving crimes. He began to question the very nature of justice and morality, and he found himself drawn to the teachings of Christianity.
As he delved deeper into the teachings of the faith, Poirot began to see the world in a new light. He realized that true justice could not be achieved through punishment alone, but through love and compassion for all people, no matter their station in life.
And so, Poirot dedicated himself to a life of service, using his skills as a detective to help those in need, and to fight against the injustices of the world. He knew that his work would not always be glamorous or exciting, but he found a deep sense of purpose in helping others.
In the end, Poirot realized that solving crimes was just one small part of a larger journey. It was not the end goal, but simply a means to a greater end: a world where love and compassion reigned supreme, and where justice was not just about punishment, but about healing and restoration.
На фоне остальных событий, от которых становится все более и более не по себе, наш блог продолжает жить в параллельной реальности и подмечать какие-то детали этой реальности, которые меркнут на общем фоне, но все же примечательны. Итак, закончилась эпоха Дмитрия Диброва в программе «Кто хочет стать миллионером» (она же когда-то — «О, счастливчик»), и хотя в последние годы/десятки лет смотреть эту программу было совершенно невозможно, его уход — все же событие в каком-то смысле знаковое.
Шоу, которое теперь, видимо, будут выпускать по технологии параллельного импорта, отдадут Юлианне Карауловой (да, я тоже не знаю, кто это).
Даже не знаю, что тут добавить кроме выразительных многоточий…
P.S. А сам Дмитрий, кстати, с начала года ведет на Первом канале нечто очень похожее на «Антропологию».
Когда смотришь это (меня хватало только на короткие фрагменты), понимаешь, насколько изменилось время за эти двадцать лет.
Вот такие странные пересечения.
Поиграл с одной нейросетью — и это удивительно, конечно, до чего дошел прогресс 🙂
Write a short story in the style of Kharms
Once upon a time, there was a man named Ivan Ivanovich. Ivanovich was a very ordinary man, with no remarkable qualities or talents. He lived in a small apartment in the city and worked a boring desk job.
One day, Ivanovich woke up to find that his apartment had disappeared. In its place was a vast expanse of ocean, stretching as far as the eye could see. Ivanovich was perplexed, but not particularly alarmed. He shrugged his shoulders and decided to go for a swim.
As he swam through the ocean, Ivanovich encountered a fish with a human face. The fish spoke to him in a language he could understand and said, «Ivan Ivanovich, why are you swimming in my domain?»
Ivanovich replied, «I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. My apartment disappeared and was replaced by this ocean.»
The fish nodded and said, «I see. Well, since you’re here, you might as well make the most of it. Swim to the edge of the world and you will find what you’re looking for.»
Ivanovich didn’t know what the fish meant, but he decided to follow its advice. He swam and swam until he reached the edge of the ocean. And there, to his amazement, he found a ladder leading up into the sky.
Without hesitation, Ivanovich climbed the ladder until he reached a platform above the clouds. There he found a group of people playing cards and drinking tea. They welcomed him warmly and invited him to join their game.
Ivanovich played cards with the group for what felt like hours, and they all laughed and joked together. When it was time for Ivanovich to leave, they gave him a small, golden key and said, «This key will unlock the door to your apartment. But be warned, once you go through that door, you can never come back here.»
Ivanovich thanked them and climbed back down the ladder. When he reached the ocean, he used the key to unlock the door to his apartment. And there, to his relief, he found his familiar surroundings once again.
But Ivanovich couldn’t shake the memory of the ladder in the sky and the people playing cards above the clouds. He often wondered what would have happened if he had stayed with them. But in the end, he decided it was better to be content with the life he had, rather than constantly chasing after something that might not even exist.
«Курение вызывает кашель» (2022)
Ознакомился с последним творением маэстро Дюпье и получил огромное удовольствие. Очевидно, есть в его творческом стиле что-то такое, что мне очень близко и понятно.
При этом, конечно, его фильмы не так филигранно выверены и эстетически совершенны, как работы тут же приходящего на ум другого маэстро, но временами это все же — настоящая сказка, да и выдает он их последнее время по нескольку штук в год в отличие от другого маэстро 🙂 И это прекрасно.
Не сразу вспомнил, где же я видел актера, игравшего Лезардина, а оказывается — у другого маэстро и видел 🙂 Вот такое переплетение где-то в ноосфере.
Всегда был уверен, что жизнь в Пензе действительно выглядит как-то вот так)